Prevention Begins with Education
Welcome back to school! My name is Amanda and I’m the Director of Sexual Assault & Community Education at Friend to Friend. I want to take this opportunity to let you know that Friend to Friend is dedicated to providing free prevention education to the community. This creates a safer and more knowledgeable society. Through prevention, we can begin to break intergenerational violence and bias. We can identify risk factors and increase protective factors at the individual, relationship, community, and societal level. Being in a school setting, teachers and other staff members are often in charge of ensuring the safety of kids. Bullying and harassment are at the forefront of issues among kids and their peers. I am happy to speak with you about your needs in your school, daycare, workshop, or other entity to identify gaps and provide training. We currently offer the following trainings:
For more information or to schedule a training, call Amanda at 910-947-1703 or email her at