
Friend To Friend is committed to providing free and confidential advocacy services, safe shelter, and emotional support to adult survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking.

Here’s what we provide:

  • Court and Legal Advocacy to assist survivors in obtaining restraining orders. Our court advocate accompanies clients to court, helps them to understand the paperwork, requirements, and procedures of the court system, and explains what to expect during the process.

  • Safe Shelter: Serenity House is located at an undisclosed location in order to ensure the safety of clients and staff.  The Serenity House is an all green, four-star energy efficient, cottage-style home that can house up to 34 women and children. Serenity House has a security system that affords excellent protection. If an abuser should find his way to the shelter, local police respond immediately.  Entering the property of a domestic violence shelter is a felony in North Carolina. Clients staying at the shelter are provided a safe space where they and their children begin to heal, while being taught self-sufficiency and how to make plans for a safer future. If occupancy at the shelter is full, clients are referred to shelters in neighboring counties.

  • Counseling: Friend to Friend offers clients a full range of individual and group counseling services including support groups, advocate guidance, and training in survival and safety skills. We also offer information and referrals to other local service providers and licensed therapists. To find out more information on dates and times of support groups, please call our Advocacy Center Monday-Friday from 8am-4pm at 910-947-1703.

  • Community Education: Friend to Friend’s most effective strategy is through collaborative education programs for schools, community groups, and professionals in Moore County. Our community education program also helps raise awareness in the community about the physical, emotional, and financial cost of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking to the survivors, as well as the huge cost to our community as a whole.  Our community educators can visit Moore County schools, among other local groups, and educate students, teachers, and other members of the community about healthy relationships, bullying, human trafficking, and other related topics. 

Court Advocacy & Accompaniment


Friend to Friend’s Court Advocacy Program assists with:

  • Filling out Protective Orders (50-B Domestic Violence Protective Order & 50-C No Contact Order forms)

  • Helping understand the multiple forms, requirements, and procedures of the court system

  • Explaining what to expect during the process

  • Accompanying any domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking clients to their court appointments

Stalking Support


Stalking, in a general sense, is a course of conduct (more than one incident) of behavior directed at a specific person which would cause a reasonable person to feel fear. Stalking is a serious problem which impacts over 7 million Americans annually, and it can happen to anyone at any time. Stalking has been linked to an increased risk of physical harm or death for victims, can escalate quickly, and can unfortunately continue for years.

In North Carolina, a defendant is considered guilty of stalking if they engage in two or more acts of harassment (which does not serve a specific legal purpose) directed at a specific person which would cause a reasonable person to fear for their own safety or the safety of those around them, or suffer substantial emotional distress as a result (see the full statute here). But while the criteria is clear, stalking is still a difficult issue to understand and address. Even many victims minimize stalking that is happening to them, and may struggle to get law enforcement or the judicial system to take them seriously. Unfortunately, some stalkers are not easily deterred, even with threatened or actual legal action, so managing a stalking situation can take a great deal of ongoing time, energy, and resources.

At Friend to Friend, we believe stalking is a serious issue that deserves special attention and safety planning. If you, or someone you know, may be involved in a stalking situation, please call our Crisis Line (910)947-3333 or come in to speak with one of our advocates for free and confidential support.

For additional information and resources:

The Stalking Prevention, Awareness, and Resource Center

The Stalking Resource Center
