Our Impact
“Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. It’s a relationship between equals. Only when we know our own darkness can we be present with the darkness of others. Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity”
-Pema Chodron
Serving Moore County for over 35 years...
It has been an honor for Friend to Friend to serve Moore County for more than 35 years. We serve an average of 1,500 survivors annually, answering crisis calls, providing safe housing, court advocacy, and more. Below are some of our recent statistics, highlighting our community impact.
Friend to Friend Stories
I can make it through anything.
“When I first got here I was so tired. I felt hopeless. Like I had lost everything, because I did. Friend to Friend helped me understand it wasn’t my fault that things happen that we can’t control, and how to let things go. They even helped me find programs to help me get back on my feet so I can succeed- like I once did.
They gave me hope that I got this, and that I can make it through anything.”
I’m learning to see my worth.
“I came to Friend to Friend at the end of January 2024. When I first came, I was shy and on edge, still learning how to trust and still learning how to ask for help. Throughout the program I have gained many insights about domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking.
Slowly over time I became comfortable with other people in the shelter and was slowly able to be myself. During my stay I was offered housing from Safe @ Home, but ended up being accepted into another program in April. I truly thank the advocates for allowing me to vent, ask for help, and allowed me to cry if I needed to (even when I cried because I was hungry). I will never forget those from Friend to Friend who helped me see my worth and get the help and resources I needed.”
Khya’s Story
“My name is Khya. I am 15 years old. This is my first year of high school. I had actually turned 15 here at Friend to Friend. I am the oldest child out of 4 kids. I have twin sisters and a brother. I also have an amazing beautiful strong mother. She’s the best.
Here at Friend to Friend I have learned to always be kind because kindness goes a long way. You never know what’s going on in a person’s life so you should always be kind to people.
The staff here has brought out a different side of me that I have not seen before in a long time. They are very welcoming and makes me feel loved! If everybody gets and gives the love that the Friend to Friend staff has giving me and my family, the world would be a much better place.
They took vs in when we didn’t have nothing and nobody else did and has been there ever since. I thank God everyday for bringing us 8 hours to them”.
A Mother’s Story
“My daughter and I sought help from Friend to Friend through counseling and advocacy. My daughter always hated Christmas and refused to celebrate it for many years because it was when her father was most violent. I couldn’t understand why holidays and her birthdays were the worst.
He finally disappeared right before she had major spinal surgery. When she and I returned home after the hospital, mid-summer, he had turned off all the utilities and hadn’t paid the rent in months. Through counseling, I learned about his personality disorders. He took a “sudden” interest in our daughter for visitation (and would leave her alone with no food). He continually stalked the both of us and kept me in court every 3 months for 7 years, until she turned 18 (and still took me to court for adult visitation).
Friend to Friend was my first step in healing and understanding that it doesn’t matter what the reasons are, no one deserves that treatment, and you can’t “cure” your abuser. Psychiatrists rarely can.
So at this time of year, when it used to be the worst for us, I’m sending some little lotions and things from both of us. (By the way, I managed to get my daughter through college and she’s now a newborn nurse)”.
I found myself again.
“I was accepted for the Friend to Friend program January 9, 2019. I was unsure as to what to expect. All I wanted was a good night sleep. To my surprise Friend to Friend gave me so much more. A listening ear, a compassionate hug, and understanding heart and a safe environment for me to become a person I had lost so long ago. I was provided with resources and counseling.
Within two days, I was able to obtain an updated identification card, which I was unsuccessful where I had being living with my abuser. I have been able to let go of the dysfunctional disasters and violent lifestyle I made myself believe I deserved. Through, positive thinking, positive re-enforcement, positive people and most of all God, I am truly free from negative actions and reactions.
Today, I am encouraged to take life at life’s terms with a twist of Hallelujah and Thank You Jesus. I am okay. My journey is not complete; however, I am confident that God will continue to order my steps and placed Friend to Friend in my life”.
A Moment of Courage
“I lived a very toxic lifestyle for two years, not knowing there was a way out. Feeling hopeless and alone. I was physically, emotionally, sexually, and mentally abused everyday. I was forced to live a life I never would want anyone to have to live or go through. All I knew was pain. I was scared for mine and my two kids life. I prayed everyday to get me and my kids out of this living nightmare. On September 27th 2019 I had got the courage to escape to Friend to Friend. I was rescued by an officer that took me and my two children to safety. I was rescued and stayed at the serenity house. I was reassured there that I was safe and that my nightmare was finally over. It was. I went through so much hurt, but I was healing not for only myself but my two kids. I wanted a better life for them as well. I knew leaving was the bravest thing I have ever done, but any mother would do that for her babies. Yes it took time but I did it!!!
Six months later I am still healing, but so much further than I was. I got a full time job and I'm going to school. I have my kids and I'm making a better life for me and my babies. The help I had by the Friend to Friend staff gave me courage and hope for what I'm doing today. God took care of us and will always be there.“