World Trafficking Against Persons Day

The World Trafficking Against Persons Day was proclaimed by the United Nations to be on July 30th annually. This year the theme surrounds the use and abuse of technology to enable and impede human trafficking.

Our world went completely virtual two years ago and the crime of human trafficking followed in step. Utilizing online platforms to stalk, recruit, exploit, control, and gain access to victims. The online world which can already be a dangerous place, became even more dark using the speed and anonymity of the internet, predators have been more successful with communication towards victims.

To date, Female victims continue to be the primary targets. Women make up 46% and girls 19% of all victims of trafficking. The share of children among detected trafficking victims has tripled, while the share of boys has increased five times over the past 15 years. 50 percent of detected victims were trafficked for sexual exploitation, 38 percent were exploited for forced labor.

The framework to end human trafficking needs to inclusive towards survivors by utilizing their knowledge and experiences. Below you will find a link to a real human trafficking survivor, Shandra Woworunto. We encourage you to listen to her story to gain a better understanding of human trafficking and what we as a society face in our daily lives.

Shanda Woworunto’s Story

Technology has proven to be a factor with the increase of recruiting in human trafficking, however, it’s important to realize we can use this same platform as leverage to curb these statistics and put an end to sex and labor trafficking. Use your voice and be loud! Share awareness to your community on your social media, attend community training and events on human trafficking, learn about online labor scams, listen to survivors, and get involved!

Amanda Beaver


Prevention Begins with Education


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